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Speyr, Adrienne von

LC control no.n 79063959
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSpeyr, Adrienne von
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Variant(s)Kaegi, Adrienne von Speyr, 1902-1967
Dürr-von Speyr, Adrienne, 1902-1967
Von Speyr, Adrienne, 1902-1967
Kaegi-von Speyr, Adrienne, 1902-1967
Associated countrySwitzerland
Birth date1902-09-20
Death date1967-09-17
Place of birthLa Chaux-de-Fonds (Switzerland)
Place of deathBasel (Switzerland)
Profession or occupationPhysicians Theologians
Found inMagd des Herrn, 1948: title page (Adrienne von Speyr)
Speyr, Adrienne von. Beichte. English. Confession, 1964: title page (Adrienne von Speyr)
Handmaid of the Lord, 2017: title page (Adrienne von Speyr) cover (1902-1967, Swiss medical doctor, a convert to Catholicism, a mystic, and an author of more than sixty books on spirituality and theology)
Wikipedia, viewed December 17, 2019 (Adrienne von Speyr; born September 20, 1902, in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland; died September 17, 1967, in Basel; Swiss physician and theologian; author of over 60 books of spirituality and theology; she was the first woman in Switzerland to be admitted to the medical profession; she is considered by some to have been a mystic and stigmatist; converted to Catholicism in 1940; close associate of Hans Urs von Balthasar, to whom she dictated her books; she was married first to Emil Dürr (1927 to 1934) and secondly to history professor Werner Kaegi)
Associated languageger