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Sheeler, Charles, 1883-1965

LC control no.n 79067889
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSheeler, Charles, 1883-1965
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Variant(s)Sheeler, Charles Rettew, Jr., 1883-1965
Birth date1883-07-16
Death date1965-05-07
Place of birthPhiladelphia (Pa.)
Place of deathDobbs Ferry (N.Y.)
Profession or occupationPainters Photographers
Found inRourke, C. Charles Sheeler, c1938.
Charles Sheeler, 2017: title page (Charles Sheeler)
Wikipedia, May 30, 2017 (Charles Sheeler; Charles Sheeler (July 16, 1883--May 7, 1965) was an American painter and commercial photographer; he is recognized as one of the founders of American modernism developing a style of painting known as Precisionism and one of the master photographers of the 20th century; Charles Rettew Sheeler Jr. was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; he painted using a technique that complemented his photography; he was a self-proclaimed Precisionist, a term that emphasized the linear precision he employed in his depictions; as in his photographic works, his subjects were generally material things such as machinery and structures; he was hired by the Ford Motor Co. to photograph and make paintings of their factories; he died in Dobbs Ferry, New York)