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Vidal-Naquet, Pierre, 1930-2006

LC control no.n 79069643
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingVidal-Naquet, Pierre, 1930-2006
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Variant(s)Naquet, Pierre Vidal-, 1930-2006
Vintal-Nake, Pier, 1930-2006
Nake, Pier Vintal-, 1930-2006
Ṿidal-Naḳeh, Piyer, 1930-2006
Birth date1930-07-23
Death date20060728
Place of birthParis, France
Field of activityAncient Greece
AffiliationÉcole pratique des hautes études (France). Section des sciences économiques et sociales
Profession or occupationHistorian
Special noteNot the same as: n 2009074090: Vidal-Naquet, Pierre A.
Found inHis Torture: cancer of democracy, 1963.
Lévêque, P. Cleisthenes the Athenian, 1995: CIP t.p. (Pierre Vidal-Naquet) data sheet (b. July 23, 1930)
Mia allē Eurōpē, c1993: t.p. (Pier Vintal-Nake)
Aṭlas 200, 1999: t.p. (Piyer Ṿidal-Naḳeh)
Guardian unlimited WWW site, Aug. 10, 2006 (Pierre Vidal-Naquet; b. July 23, 1932; d. July 28, 2006, aged 74; French historian who opposed army torture during Algerian war)
Wikipedia WWW site, Aug. 10, 2006 (under Pierre Vidal-Naquet: Pierre Emmanuel Vidal-Naquet; b. July 23, 1930, Paris; d. July 29, 2006, Nice; French historian, teacher at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales since 1969)
The Guardian, Obituary of Pierre Vidal-Naquet, viewed via www on 01212013 (Pierre VIdal-Naquet, started a career as a historian of ancient Greece; he taught at the prestigious Parisian École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales; historian, born July 23 1932; died July 28 2006)