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Mandel, Gabriele

LC control no.n 79069920
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMandel, Gabriele
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Variant(s)Sugana, Gabriele Mandel
Sugana, G. M. (Gabriele Mandel)
Mandel, Gabriel
Mandel Khan, Gabriel
Khan, Gabriel Mandel
Found inSiena, la città del palio, 1957.
LC database, 11/4/88 (hdg.: Sugana, Gabriele Mandel; Mandel, Gabriele; usage: G.M. Sugana, Gabriele Mandel Sugana, Gabriele Mandel)
I caravanserragli turchi, 1988: t.p. (Gabriel Mandel khân) t.p. verso (Gabriele Mandel) jkt. (Gabriel Mandel; Khân-i-Hetimandel rûd alAfghâni; he is writer on oriental art history, archaeology, and culture; lives in Milan; director of the Istituto di Storia dell'Arte all'Università IULM in Milan)
Arabic script, 2001: CIP t.p. (Gabriele Mandel Khan) data sheet (Mandel Khan, Gabriele)
Information from publisher's contact, Nov. 3, 2000 (Gabriel Mandel Khan's last name is Mandel Khan; forename to appear as Gabriel, not Gabriele)
Otto lezioni all'Accademia di Brera, 2007: title page (Gabriele Mandel) page 121 (Gabriele Mandel Khân, docente universitario, scrittore, pittore, psicologo)
Invalid LCCNn 87118872 n 00050404