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General Electric Company

LC control no.n 79078780
Descriptive conventionsrda
Corporate name headingGeneral Electric Company
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Variant(s)General Electric
See alsoComponent of merger: Edison General Electric Company
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Component of merger: Thomson-Houston Electric Company
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Edison General Electric Appliance Company
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Biography/History noteGeneral Electric Company (est. 1892) is an American multinational conglomerate. The company was formed through a merger of Edison General Electric and the Thomson-Houston Electric Company.
Beginning date1892
LocatedFairfield (Conn.)
Special noteThe information about renaming General Electric Company recorded 5 Nov. 2010 from Wikipedia is incorrect.
Found inJones, P. A Power History of the Consolidated Edison System 1878-1900, c.1940, p. 13 (Edison General Electric Company succeeded as parent company in 1889 and was succeeded by the General Electric Company in 1892)
Foley, A.H. A self-balancing capacitance bridge, 1947: t.p. (General Electric) p. 1 (General Electric Company)
INFACT brings GE to light, c1988: t.p. (GE; General Electric)
NUCMC data from McLean County Museum of Hist. for General Electric collection, 1943-1981 (coll. contains G.E. adverstisement, 1981)
Wikipedia, 5 Nov. 2010 (Marconi Corporation which was created in 1999 by the renaming of The General Electric Company (GEC); )
Wikipedia, July 21, 2011 General Electric page (General Electric; General Electric Company; American multinational conglomerate; operates through four segments: Energy, Technology Infrastructure, Capital Finance, and Consumer & Industrial; formed in 1892 in merger of Edison General Electric and Thomson-Houston Electric Company; headquarters, Fairfield, Conn.; founders, Charles Coffin, Edwin Houston, Elihu Thomson, Thomas Edison) General Electric Company plc page (British-based industrial conglomerate; not to be confused with American company)
Not found inNUCMC data from New Jersey Hist. Soc. for Upton, F.R. Scrapbooks, 1877-1925
Invalid LCCNn 79021878