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La Fontaine, Jean de, 1621-1695

LC control no.n 79081923
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPQ1806 PQ1812
Personal name headingLa Fontaine, Jean de, 1621-1695
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Lafonten, Zhan de, 1621-1695
Fontaine, Jean de La, 1621-1695
De La Fontaine, Jean, 1621-1695
La Fontaine, J. de (Jean), 1621-1695
La Fontaine, 1621-1695
La Pʻongtʻenŭ, 1621-1695
Lafonten, Jan du, 1621-1695
Lafontenn, 1621-1695
לא פאנטען 1621־1695
לה פונטין, 1621-1695
להפונטן, ג׳אן דא, 1621־1695
לה-פונטן, ז'ן דה-, 1621-1695
לפונטין, ז׳ן די, 1621-1695
לפונטין, ז'ן דה, 1621-1695
Birth date1621
Death date1695
Special noteMachine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script references not evaluated.
Found inHis Fabeln, 1915.
His The tales and novels of J. de La Fontaine, 1903: t.p. (J. de La Fontaine)
Françaix, J. Le coq et le renard, c1965: t.p. (La Fontaine)
His Uhwajip, 1963: t.p. (La Pʻongtʻenŭ)
His Çocuklarımıza Lafonten hikâyeleri, 1928: p. 3 (Jan du Lafonten)
9 fab Lafontenn, c1996.