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Sebeok, Thomas A. (Thomas Albert), 1920-2001

LC control no.n 79085059
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSebeok, Thomas A. (Thomas Albert), 1920-2001
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Variant(s)Sebeok, Thomas Albert, 1920-2001
Sibiŭk, Tomas A., 1920-2001
Sebők, Tamás, 1920-2001
Birth date1920-09-11
Death date2001-12-21
Place of birthBudapest (Hungary)
Place of deathBloomington (Ind.)
Found inSpoken Hungarian, basic course, units 1-12, 1944.
Play of musement, c1981: t.p. (Thomas A. Sebeok)
Sebeok, Thomas Albert. The forms of meaning, 2000: CIP t.p. (Thomas A. Sebeok) data sheet (b. Sept. 11, 1920)
New York times, Jan. 2, 2002: obituaries (Dr. Thomas A. Sebeok; pioneer in the science of signs and symbols; b. Thomas Albert Sebeok in Budapest; d. Dec. 21, 2001 in Bloomington, Ind. at age 81)
Semiotikata v Sŭedinenite shtati, 1997: t.p. (Tomas A. Sibiŭk)
World biographical information system, 27 June 2007 (Sebők, Tamás, b. 1920, linguist and philologist)
Invalid LCCNn 99282343