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Veen, Otto van, 1556-1629

LC control no.n 79086780
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingVeen, Otto van, 1556-1629
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Variant(s)Vaenius, Othonius, 1556-1629
Vaenius, Otto, 1556-1629
Van Veen, Otto, 1556-1629
Veen, Octavio van, 1556-1629
Venius, Otho, 1556-1629
Venius, Otto, 1556-1629
Veen, Otto Cornelisz van, 1556-1629
Veenius, Otto, 1556-1629
Venio, Otto, 1556-1629
Other standard no.0000000083874926
LocatedLeiden (Netherlands) Liège (Belgium) Rome (Italy) Antwerp (Belgium) Brussels (Belgium)
Birth date1556
Death date1629
Place of birthLeiden (Netherlands)
Place of deathBrussels (Belgium)
Field of activityArt
Profession or occupationArtists Painters Engravers
Found inHis Amorum emblemata, 1608: t.p. (Othonis Væni)
Histoire de la guerre des Bataves et des Romains, 1770: title page (avec les planches d'Otto Vaenius)
UnM/UMI files (hdg.: Veen, Otto van, 1556-1629; usage: Othonis Væni; Otho Venius)
German Wikipedia, viewed Jan. 30th, 2025 (Otto van Veen, born 1556 in Leiden; died 1629 in Brussels), known as Otto Vaenius or Venius, was a Flemish painter and draughtsman. From around 1594, van Veen was perhaps the most important teacher of Peter Paul Rubens. (...) he devoted himself more and more to the publication of emblem books and graphic series, including the Emblemata Horatiana (1607) and the Amorum Emblemata (1608). Two large etching cycles appeared in Antwerp in 1612 ... He was also court painter to Governor Albrecht VII of Austria and his wife Isabella. He moved his residence from Antwerp to Brussels in 1615.)
Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek, viewed Jan. 30th, 2025 ( Veen, Otto van, born 1556 in Leiden, died 1629 in Brussels, active in Leiden, Liège, Antwerp, Rome and Brussels ; was a painter, engraver and author ; other name variants (selection): Veen, Otto Cornelisz van ; Veenius, Otto ; Venio, Otto)