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Byabazaire, Deogratias M., 1941-

LC control no.n 79092780
Personal name headingByabazaire, Deogratias M., 1941-
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Variant(s)Byabazaire, M. D. (M. Deogratias), 1941-
Byabazaire, D. M. (Deogratias M.), 1941-
Found inHis The contribution of the Christian churches to the development of West. Uganda 1894-1974, 1979: t.p. (Deogratias M. Byabazaire) p. 4 of cover (b. 1941)
Rethinking the mission of the church ... 1989?: t.p. (M.D. Byabazaire) p. 207 (Byabazaire, D.M.; lecturer in African church history, African traditional religion and development studies)