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Basilian Fathers

LC control no.n 79093261
Descriptive conventionsrda
Corporate name headingBasilian Fathers
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Variant(s)Communauté des prêtres de Saint-Basile
Congrégation de St-Basile
Communauté de St-Basile
Association des prêtres de St-Basile
Prêtres de St-Basil
St-Basil, Prêtres de
Congregation of Priests of Saint Basil
Congregation of Priests of St. Basil
Congregation of St. Basil
Congregatio a Sancto Basilio
Priests of the Congregation of St. Basil
Congregatio Presbyterorum Sancti Basilii
Prêtres de Sainte-Basile
CSB (Congregation of St. Basil)
Beginning date1822-11-21
Associated placeAnnonay (France) Toronto (Ont.)
Special noteIncludes old catalog hdgs.: Basilian Fathers (C.S.B.); Basilian Fathers (CSB); Basilian Fathers, Toronto, Ont.
Not the same as: Basilian Order of St. Josaphat (see NAR n 79092639) or Order of St. Basil the Great (see NAR n 82227864)
Found inRoume, Charles. Origines et formation de la Communauté des prêtres de Saint-Basile, 1965: title page (Communauté des prêtres de Saint-Basile)
LC data base, January 10, 1990 (hdgs.: Basilian Fathers (C.S.B.); Basilian Fathers (CSB); Basilian Fathers, Toronto, Ont.; usage: Basilian Fathers; Congregation of Priests of Saint Basil)
National Library of Canada June 15, 1988 (Basilian Fathers)
New Catholic encyclopedia. Second edition, 2003: volume 2, page 141 (Basilians; popular name for the Congregation of Priests of St. Basil (initials: CSB; see Official Catholic directory entry #0170); a community of priests with simple vows who belong to the Roman Rite and whose principal work is the Christian education of youth; the community had its origin in the Catholic movement for survival during the French Revolution; it grew out of a study group and school that formed around 1802 in the town of Annonay, France; the community was formally organized on November 21, 1822; it received papal approbation from Pope Gregory XVI in 1837; in the early 19th century, their work brought them to a number of locations in Canada and the United States; the Basilians first came to Canada in 1850 at the invitation of Armand-François-Marie de Charbonnel, Bishop of Toronto, who had himself studied at Annonay)
National bib agency no.0102C1343E
Invalid LCCNn 50077582
Quality codenlc