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Brock, C. E. (Charles Edmund), 1870-1938

LC control no.n 79095382
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBrock, C. E. (Charles Edmund), 1870-1938
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Variant(s)Brock, Charles E. (Charles Edmund), 1870-1938
Brock, Charles Edmund, 1870-1938
Other standard no.0000000110532279
Birth date1870-02-05
Death date1938-02-28
Place of birthCambridge (England)
Place of deathCambridge (England)
Profession or occupationPainters Illustrators
Found inLee, C. The Widow ...
Swift, J. Gulliver's travels, 1979? (a.e.) t.p. (Charles E. Brock)
Oxford art online, August 1, 2018: Benezit dictionary of artists (Brock, Charles Edmund; born February 5, 1870, Cambridge, died February 28, 1938, Cambridge; painter, illustrator; signed work: C.E. Brock)