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Wellman, Manly Wade, 1903-1986

LC control no.n 79099330
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPS3545.E52858
Personal name headingWellman, Manly Wade, 1903-1986
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Crow, Levi, 1903-1986
Field, Gans T., 1903-1986
Wellman, M. W. (Manly Wade), 1903-1986
Wells, Hampton, 1903-1986
Birth date1903-05-21
Death date1986-04-05
Profession or occupationWriters
Found inHis Find the killer, 1947.
His Cahena, 1986: t.p. (Manly Wade Wellman) jkt. (d. 1986)
NUCMC data from North Carolina St. Archives for Hoyle, B.W. Papers, 1945-1983 (Wellman, Manly Wade, 1903-1986)
LC man. auth. cd. (hdg.: Wellman, Manly Wade, 1905- ; copyright application in 1952 gives date of birth as 1903)
Romance in black, 194-?: t.p. (Gans T. Field)
George Willick's Spacelight WWW Home page, Feb. 19, 2002 (Manly Wade Wellman, pen names: Levi Crow, Gans T. Field, Hampton Wells)
The complete John the Balladeer, 2023: t.p. (Manly Wade Wellman) dust jacket (b. May 21, 1903; d. April 5, 1986; best remembered as one of the most popular contributors to the pulp magazine Weird Tales, and for his fantasy and horror stories set in the Appalachian Mountains)
Associated languageeng