LC control no. | n 79106277 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Personal name heading | Mutharika, A. Peter, 1940- |
Variant(s) | Mutharika, A. P., 1940- Mutharika, A. P. T., 1940- Mutharika, Peter, 1940- Mutharika, Arthur Peter, 1940- Mutharika, Arthur Peter Thom, 1940- |
See also | Chief executive of: Malawi. President (2014- : Mutharika) |
Associated country | Malawi United States |
Associated place | Great Britain England |
Birth date | 1940 1940-07-18 1939-07-18 |
Affiliation | Washington University (St. Louis, Mo.). School of Law |
Profession or occupation | Presidents Politicians Cabinet officers Lawyers Law teachers Educators |
Found in | His The regulations of statelessness ... 1976. International regulation of statelessness, 1969: t.p. (A.P.T. Mutharika) Speeches by African leaders, 2016: v. 1, t.o.c. (Peter Mutharika, President of Malawi) Wikipedia, Jan. 11, 2017 (Peter Mutharika: Arthur Peter Mutharika (born 1940) is a Malawian politician, educator and lawyer who has been President of Malawi since 31 May 2014.) OCLC, Jan. 11, 2017 (usage: A.P.T. Mutharika, Arthur Peter Mutharika) OCLC, April 4, 2019 (access points: Mutharika, A. P.; Mutharika, A. Peter; Mutharika, A. Peter, 1940- ; Mutharika, Arthur Peter Thom; usage: A. P. Mutharika; A. Peter Mutharika; A. P. T. Mutharika; J.S.D. 1969, Yale University) Wikipedia, April 5, 2019 (Peter Mutharika; Arthur Peter Mutharika; born 18 July 1939, Chisoka, Thyolo, Malawi; informally served as an adviser to his older brother, President Bingu wa Mutharika; held positions as Minister of Justice; Minister for Education, Science and Technology; and Minister of Foreign Affairs 2011-2012; law degree from University of London, 1965; LL.M 1966, Yale; JSD/PhD 1969, Yale; taught at University of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), Haile Selassie University (Ethiopia), Rutgers University (USA), Makerere University (Uganda), and for 37 years at Washington University (USA); served as advisor to the American Bar Association's Rule of Law initiative for Africa), viewed April 5, 2019 (Arthur Peter Mutharika; born 18th July 1940) |