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Watson, John B. (John Broadus), 1878-1958

LC control no.n 79110514
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWatson, John B. (John Broadus), 1878-1958
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Variant(s)Watson, J. B. (John Broadus), 1878-1958
Birth date1878-01-09
Death date1958-09-25
Found inHis Animal education, 1903.
His Psychology, from the standpoint of a behaviorist, 1983: t.p. (John B. Watson)
NLM files, 10/23/89 (hdg.: Watson, John B. (John Broadus), 1878-1958; usage: John B. Watson; J.B. Watson)
Wikipedia, August 29, 2019 John B. Watson article (John Broadus Watson (January 9, 1878-September 25, 1958) was an American psychologist who established the psychological school of behaviorism)