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Badawi, Jamal A

LC control no.n 79116743
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBadawi, Jamal A.
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Variant(s)Jamal A. Badawi
Badawi, Gamal A.
Birth date1939-11-10
Special noteNot same as: Badawī, Jamāl
Found inSelected prayers, c1979: t.p. (Jamal A. Badawi)
Islamic teachings, 1995- : CIP data sheet (Jamal A. Badawi; b. Nov. 10, 1939)
nuc87-100476: Author's Status of woman in Islam, c1972 (hdg. on IaAS rept.: Badawi, Gamal A., 1939- ; usage: Gamal A. Badawi)
Associated languageeng
Invalid LCCNn 87132029