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Ukrainian Congress Committee of America

LC control no.n 79120729
Descriptive conventionsrda
Corporate name headingUkrainian Congress Committee of America
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Variant(s)Ukrainsʹkyĭ kongresovyĭ komitet Ameryky
United Ukrainian Congress Committee of America
UKKA (Ukrainian Congress Committee of America)
U.K.K.A. (Ukrainian Congress Committee of America)
UCCA (Ukrainian Congress Committee of America)
U.C.C.A. (Ukrainian Congress Committee of America)
Beginning date1940
LocatedNew York (N.Y.)
Address203 Second Aveune New York N.Y. 10003
Field of activityUkrainian Americans Ukrainians
Found inThe Ukrainian quarterly.
Ridna shkola, Sich.-ber. 1964: t.p. (UKKA) p. 16 (U.C.C.A.)
The Ukrainian bulletin, Oct. 15, 1951: t.p. (The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America); Oct. 1, 1951: t.p. (The Pan-American Ukrainian Conference)
Congressional resolution for the restoration of Ukrainian churches in Ukraine, 1987: cover (Ukrainian Congress Committee of America) title page verso (203 Second Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10003)
Ukrainian Congress Committee of America WWW site, viewed Oct. 17, 2013: about us web page (The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA) was founded in 1940 to provide authoritative information about the plight of Ukrainians, as well as to represent the interests of the Ukrainian American community)
Historical dictionary of Ukraine, 2013, viewed Oct. 17, 2013: page 665 online (The UCCA helped establish the Pan-American Ukrainian Conference)
Searching for place, 2000: page 419 (November 1947 ... the Ukrainian Canadians and their American counterparts held a Pan-American Ukrainian Conference (PAUC))
Ukrainian weekly, viewed Oct. 17, 2013: November 24, 1947 page 1, pdf document (New York, N.Y.; a Pan American Ukrainian Conference, the first of its kind in history was held at Hotel Taft, November 18-November 22 with a rally at the Cooper Union Auditorium; held under the auspices of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America and the Ukrainian Canadian Committee; headquarters are to be in New York City; it resulted in the formation of a permanent Pan American Ukrainian Conference organization with officers drawn from the North and South American Ukrainian organizations represented at the conference)
Associated languageeng