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Galloway, James, 1944-

LC control no.n 79137720
Personal name headingGalloway, James, 1944-
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Variant(s)Galloway, James Neville, 1944-
Found inHis Acid rain [SR] 1978?: label (Dr. James Galloway) narration (asst. prof. of Envir. Sci., Univ. of Va.)
Amer. men and women of sci., 13th ed. (Galloway, James Neville; b. Annapolis, 10-26-44)
Asian change in the context of global climate change, 1998: CIP t.p. (James N. Galloway) data sheet (James Neville Galloway) book t.p. (James Galloway)
Invalid LCCNn 87150422 n 97100117