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Hacker, Marilyn, 1942-

LC control no.n 79141265
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPS3558.A28
Personal name headingHacker, Marilyn, 1942-
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Birth date1942-11-27
Profession or occupationTranslators Editors Poets
Found inHer Presentation piece, 1974.
Contemp. auth. web, 10/24/96: (born November 27, 1942, in New York, NY)
Where are the trees going?, 2014: t.p. (translated from the French by Marilyn Hacker)
Gay & lesbian poetry in our time, ©1988: Contents (Fifteen to eighteen / [by] Marilyn Hacker) page 177 (Marilyn Hacker; lives in Manhattan and the Marais; editor and poet)
Associated languageeng