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Moon, Keith, 1946-1978

LC control no.n 80009337
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMoon, Keith, 1946-1978
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See alsoCorporate body: Who (Musical group)
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Other standard no.Q211696
Associated countryGreat Britain
Birth date1946-08-23
Death date1978-09-07
Place of birthWembley (London, England)
Place of deathLondon (England)
Profession or occupationDrummers (Musicians)
Found inWaterman, I. Keith Moon, 1979 (subj.) t.p. (Keith Moon) p. 8 (d. 9-7-78) p. 10 (b. 8-23-46)
Wikipedia, Nov. 8, 2010 (Keith Moon; b. Keith John Moon, Aug. 23, 1946, Wembley, London, England, d. Sept. 7, 1978, London; drummer of the English rock group the Who; also known as Moon the Loon, Moonie)