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Antin, Mary, 1881-1949

LC control no.n 80010151
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingAntin, Mary, 1881-1949
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Antin, Maszke, 1881-1949
Antin Maryashe, 1881-1949
Grabau, Mary Antin, 1881-1949
Associated countryUnited States
Birth date1881-06-13
Death date1949-05-15
Place of birthPolatsk (Belarus)
Place of deathSuffern (N.Y.)
Profession or occupationAuthors
Found inHer From Plotzk to Boston ... 1899.
Oxford Reference WWW site, Mar. 31, 2017: (Antin, Mary; Mary Antin Grabau)
Wikipedia, Mar. 31, 2017: (Mary Antin; June 13, 1881-May 15, 1949; married Amadeus William Grabau in 1901)
Z Połocka do Amerykańskiej ziemi obiecanej, 2024: title page (Mary Antin) p. 7 (author of The Promised land; grew up in Połock; emigrated to the United States in 1894) page 15 (born in 1881; known as Maszke) page 25 (also known as Maryashe)
Wikipedia, viewed February 7, 2025: French Mary Antin page (Mary (Maryashe) Antin; born 13 June 1881 in Polotsk; died 15 May 1949 in Suffern, New York; American writer and immigration activist; emigrated to the United States in 1894)
Associated languageeng