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Leenhardt, Francis

LC control no.n 80012585
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingLeenhardt, Francis
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Associated countryFrance
Birth date1908-04-24
Death date1983-11-03
Place of birthMarseille (France)
Place of deathMarseille (France)
AffiliationFrance. Parlement (1946- ). Assemblée nationale
Profession or occupationLegislators
Found inS. O. S., on coule! 1979: title page (Francis Leenhardt) back cover (president of the Socialist faction in the Assemblée nationale, where he was a deputy for 22 years; former chairman of the Commission for the Budget)
Bibliothèque nationale de France online catalog, viewed July 12, 2016 (authorized access point: Leenhardt, Francis (1908-1983); other data in authority record: French politician; born April 24, 1908, in Marseille; died November 3, 1983, in Marseille; full name: Francis Émile Daniel Leenhardt)
Associated languagefre