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Natke, H. G

LC control no.n 80039519
Personal name headingNatke, H. G.
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Variant(s)Natke, Hans G.
Natke, H. Günther
Found inAeroelastische Probleme ausserhalb der Luft- und Raumfahrt, 1978 (a.e.) t.p. (Prof. Dr. rer. nat. H. G. Natke)
Wkshp. on Structural Safety Eval. Based on Syst. Ident. Approaches (1987 : Lambrecht, Germany). Structural safety evaluation ... 1988: t.p. (Hans G. Natke)
Introduction to multi-disciplinary model-building, c2003: t.p. (H.G. Natke) obituary (Prof. Hans Günther Natke)
Uncertainty, c1997: t.p. (H. Günther Natke) t.p. verso (Prof. Dr.)
LC database, 29 May 2003: (vendor loaded record hdg.: Natke, Hans Günther, 1933- ; usage: Hans Günther Natke
Invalid LCCNn 97067150