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Córdoba (Argentina)

LC control no.n 80040286
Descriptive conventionsrda
Geographic headingCórdoba (Argentina)
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Geographic subdivision usageArgentina--Córdoba
Variant(s)Ciudad de Córdoba (Argentina)
Córdoba de la Nueva Andalucía (Argentina)
Other standard no.3860259
Associated countryArgentina
Found inGeoNames, algorithmically matched, 2009 (unknown; 31°24ʹ00ʺS 064°11ʹ00ʺW)
Wikipedia, July 11, 2024 (Córdoba, Argentina; Córdoba is a city in central Argentina, in the foothills of the Sierras Chicas on the Suquía River, about 700 km (435 mi) northwest of Buenos Aires. It is the capital of Córdoba Province and the second-most populous city in Argentina after Buenos Aires; Ciudad de Córdoba; 31°25ʹS 64°11ʹW)
Spanish Wikipedia, July 11, 2024 (Córdoba (Argentina); Córdoba de la Nueva Andalucía)
Geographic area codes-ag---