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Salvard, Jean François, 1530-1585

LC control no.n 80041352
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSalvard, Jean François, 1530-1585
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Salnar, 1530-1585
Salvart, Jean F., 1530-1585
Sallvard, Jean-François, 1530-1585
Salvart, Jean François, 1530-1585
Other standard no.0000000092024368
Birth date1530~
Death date1585-03-11
Place of birthAosta (Italy)
Place of deathGeneva Switzerland)
Field of activityTheology
Profession or occupationTheologians
Found inPolémiques religieuses, 1979 (subj.) t.p. (Jean-François Salvard, 1530-1585)
His Harmonia confessionum fidei orthodoxarum & reformatorum ecclesiarum, 1581 (name not given)
Theologische Realenzyklopädie, 1977- : Bd. 5, p. 501 (under Bekenntnisschriften: Jean François Salvard, author of Harmonia confessionum fidei, 1581; Salnar a misspelling of Salvard)
English Wikipedia, viewed on Sept. 20th, 2024 (Jean-François Salvard (or Salvart) (c. 1530 - 11 March 1585) was a Reformed theologian, originally from the Aosta Valley and who was active in France, Switzerland and in the Republic of Geneva where he died. He is known as the editor of the Harmonia confessionum of 1581.)
Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek, viewed on Sept. 20th, 2024 (Salvard, Jean François; born Aosta, approximately 1530; died Geneva, 1585; Theologian, variant names: Salvard, Jean-François; Salvart, Jean F.; Sallvard, Jean-François; Salnar, ...; Salvart, Jean François)
Not found inBM (Salnar, ------); NUC pre-1956 (Salnar, ); BN (Salnar)
Invalid LCCNn 85010328