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Oberlahnkreis (Germany)

LC control no.n 80044952
Geographic headingOberlahnkreis (Germany)
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Geographic subdivision usageGermany--Oberlahnkreis
Variant(s)Oberlahnkreis, Ger.
See alsoLimburg-Weilburg (Germany)
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Found inHesse. Landesvermessungsamt. Limburg, Oberlahn, Kreiskarte, 1969 (subj.) map recto (Oberlahn)
BGN, 7/14/72 (Landkreis Oberlahnkreis [Oberlahnkreis=brief] 3rd-order administrative division, 50 28 N., 8 15 E.)
BGN, 9/7/78 (the former Landkreise Limburg and Oberlahnkreis merged in 1974 to form the Landkreis Limburg-Weilburg)
Geographic area codee-gx---