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Kok, J. A. de (Johannes Antonius), 1930-

LC control no.n 80044986
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingKok, J. A. de (Johannes Antonius), 1930-
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Variant(s)Kok, Johannes Antonius de, 1930-
De Kok, Johannes Antonius, 1930-
De Kok, J. A. (Johannes Antonius), 1930-
Other standard no.0000000079773807
Associated placeNijmegen (Netherlands)
LocatedUtrecht (Netherlands)
Birth date1930-08-28
Place of birthHague (Netherlands)
Field of activityTheology Church history
AffiliationKatholieke Universiteit Nijmegen Katholieke Theologische Hogeschool Utrecht
Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Utrecht
Profession or occupationClergy Priests Bishops College teachers
Found inDe Kerk in het geding, 1971: t.p. (J. A. Kok)
Nederland op de breuklijn Rome-Reformatie, 1964; t.p. (Johannes Antonius de Kok)
Deelgenoten in trouw : teksten van de lezingen op het mini-symposium 9 maart 2006: t.p. (priesterjubileum Mgr. Dr. J. A. de Kok ofm)
Acht eeuwen minderbroeders in Nederland, 2007: t.p. (J.A. de Kok)
Wikipedia, viewed on June 25th, 2019: (Johannes Antonius de Kok; b. The Hague, Aug. 28th, 1930; became member of the Order of Friars Minor in 1950; ordination March 9th, 1956; studied Church history in Nijmegen; teacher of Church history at Katholieke Theologische Hogeschool Utrecht; auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Utrecht, 1982-2005)