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Sheppard, Anne D. R

LC control no.n 80063664
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSheppard, Anne D. R.
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Variant(s)Sheppard, Anne, 1951-
Raphael, Anne D. D.
Associated countryEngland
Associated placeOxford (England) Durham (England) London (England)
Birth date1951-11-10
Field of activityClassical philology
AffiliationUniversity of London. Royal Holloway
Profession or occupationClassicists
University and college faculty members
Found inStudies on the 5th & 6th essays of Proclus' Commentary on the Republic, 1980: title page (Anne D. R. Sheppard) page 5 (her thesis (Oxford, 1976) was published under her maiden name Anne D.D. Raphael; preface signed at the University of Durham)
Aesthetics, 1987: CIP title page (Anne Sheppard)
Aesthetics, 1987: book title page (Anne Sheppard) BL CIP (Sheppard, Anne) LC CIP (Sheppard, Anne D. R.)
British Library online catalog, viewed May 27, 2005 (hdg.: Sheppard, Anne, 1951-; usage: Anne Sheppard; full names: Anne Deborah Raphael Sheppard, born November 10, 1951)
Royal Holloway University of London website, viewed August 16, 2022: link to Classics page (under Researchers: Professor Anne Sheppard, Professor Emerita of Ancient Philosophy; obtained her D. phil. at Oxford; she taught at Oxford and at Durham before coming to Royal Holloway in 1989)
English Wikipedia, viewed August 16, 2022 (Anne Sheppard; professor of ancient philosophy at Royal Holloway, University of London; she studied classics and philosophy at St Anne's College, Oxford; obtained her D. phil. at Oxford with a thesis on the literary theory of the Neoplatonist philosopher Proclus)
Associated languageeng lat grc