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Foster, John W. (John Watson), 1836-1917

LC control no.n 80065967
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingFoster, John W. (John Watson), 1836-1917
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Variant(s)Foster, John Watson, 1836-1917
Associated countryUnited States
LocatedEvansville (Ind.)
Birth date1836-03-02
Death date1917-11-15
Place of birthPetersburg (Ind.)
AffiliationUnited States. Army
Profession or occupationU.S. Minister to Mexico
U.S. Minister to Russia
U.S. Minister to Spain
U.S. Secretary of State
Lawyers Journalists Editors Diplomats Cabinet officers Generals
Found inHis Arbitration and the Hague Court, 1980, c1904: t.p. (John W. Foster)
Wikipedia, website viewed 12 October 2010 (John W. Foster; John Watson Foster (March 2, 1836-November 15, 1917) was an American military man, journalist, diplomat, lawyer, general, and politician. Born in Petersburg, Indiana and rased in Evansville, Indiana; first a lawyer and then general for the Union in the American Civil War; journalist and editor of Evansville Daily Journal from 1865-1869; U.S. Minister to Mexico (1873-1880), to Russia (1880-1881) and Spain (1883-1885); United States Secretary of State (June 29, 1892-February 23, 1893); drafted the Treaty of Shimonoseki of 1895; political party, Republican)
Wikipedia, Aug. 13, 2018: "John W. Foster" (John Watson Foster (March 2, 1836-November 15, 1917) was an American diplomat and military officer, as well as a lawyer and journalist. His highest public office was U.S. Secretary of State under Benjamin Harrison, although he also proved influential as a lawyer in technically private practice in the international relations sphere. Military service: Colonel; American Civil War; Union Army)
OCLC, Aug. 13, 2018 (predominant usage: John W. Foster; other usage: JWF, John Foster)