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Wright, Craig M

LC control no.n 80065993
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWright, Craig M.
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Birth date1944-01-13
Profession or occupationCollege teachers
Found inHis Music at the court of Burgundy, 1364-1419, c1979: t.p. (Craig Wright) p. ii (New Haven, Conn.)
Direct. of music faculties (Wright, Craig M.; asst. prof., Yale Univ.)
Nat. fac. direct. (Wright, Craig M., Dept. of Music, Yale Univ.)
Who's who in American music. Classical, 2nd ed. (Wright, Craig M.; b. Jan. 13, 1944, Fortsill, Okla.; teacher, pianist)
Info. from pub. Dec. 1, 2000 (Craig Milton Wright; b. Jan. 13, 1944)
Not found inInt. WW music, 8th ed.; WWA, 40th ed.; WW East, 17th ed.
Associated languageeng