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Krusten, Erni

LC control no.n 80086426
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPH665.K7
Personal name headingKrusten, Erni
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Krusten, E. (Erni)
Krusten, Ernst
Krustein, Ernst
Birth date1900-04-30
Death date1984-06-16
Profession or occupationAuthors, Estonian
Found inAuthor's Pekside raamat, 1946.
Author's Muinasjutt ausõnast, 1990: USSR CIP data (Krusten, E.)
Info. converted from 678, 2012-10-02 (b. 1900)
100 halli juust, 1936: title page (Ernst Krusten) page facing title page (born April 30, 1900)
Wikipedia, viewed September 6, 2024: Erni Krusten (born 30 April 1900 in Muraste, Harku Parish; died 16 June 1984 in Tallinn; Estonian writer; Ernst Krustein)
Associated languageest