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Geological Survey (U.S.)

LC control no.n 80092173
Descriptive conventionsrda
Corporate name headingGeological Survey (U.S.)
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U.S. Geological Survey
United States. Department of the Interior. Geological Survey
Servicio Geológico de los Estados Unidos
United States. Geological Survey
United States Geological Survey
See alsoGeographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region (U.S.)
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Geographical Surveys West of the 100th Meridian (U.S.)
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Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories (U.S.)
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Hierarchical superior: United States. Department of the Interior
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Special noteThe following subdivisions have not been used as headings: Lake Superior Division; Louisville District; Section of Volcanology
Found inStovall, Wendy K. Observatorio Volcanico de California (CalVO), 2015: title page (Servicio Geol̤ógico de los Estados Unidos)
National bib agency no.0001A4191E
Associated languageeng spa
Quality codenlc