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Woolf, Harry

LC control no.n 80093375
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWoolf, Harry
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Associated countryUnited States
Birth date1923
Death date2003-01-06
AffiliationPrinceton University
Profession or occupationHistorians of science
Found inHis The transits of Venus, 1959.
Copyright application for Landshoff, H. Albert Einstein at home, 1980 (TX545-388) (Harry Woolf, director, Institute of Advanced Physics, Princeton, N.J.; b. 1923)
New York times, Jan. 8, 2003: obituaries (Harry Woolf; historian of science; dir., Inst. for Advanced Study, Princeton Univ.; b. in New York City; d. Jan. 6, 2003 in Princeton at age 79)
Associated languageeng