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Prause, Gerhard

LC control no.n 80113303
Personal name headingPrause, Gerhard
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See alsoFor works of this author written in collaboration with Haug von Kuenheim, search also under: Hardy und Huckly.
Ehestorf, Gerd P., 1926-
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Hardy und Huckly
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Found inHis Niemand hat Kolumbus ausgelacht, 1966.
LC manual auth file, Dec. 5. 2005 (b. May 16, 1926; Hardy und Huckly, Pseud.; pseuds.: Tratschke, Gerd P. Ehestorf; Dr. phil., Redakteur)
DDB Web OPAC, Dec. 5, 2005 (Prause, Gerhard (1926-); variants: Tratschke [Pseud.], Ehestorf, Gerd P. [Pseud.])
Invalid LCCNn 78028534