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Sversti︠u︡k, I︠E︡vhen

LC control no.n 80116944
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSversti︠u︡k, I︠E︡vhen
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Сверстюк, Євген
Sverstiuk, Jevhen
Sverstiuk, Yevhen
Sverstjuk, Jevhen
Sverstyuk, Yevhen
Swerstjuk, Jewhen
Birth date1928-12-13
Death date2014-12-01
Place of birthVolhynia (Ukraine)
Place of deathKyïv (Ukraine)
Profession or occupationAuthors, Ukrainian Critics
Special noteNon-Latin script reference not evaluated.
Found inSobor u ryshtovanni, 1970.
Angst, ich bin dich losgeworden, 1983: lst prelim. p. (Jewhen Swerstjuk)
Encyc. of Ukraine: v. 5, p. 117 (Sverstiuk Yevhen [Sverstjuk, Jevhen], b. 12-13-1928 in Siltse, Volhynia. Literary and social critic, publicist, and political prisoner. He was arrested in Jan. 1972 and sentenced in March 1973 for his involvement in the dissident movement and his defense of political prisoners, to seven years in strict-regime labor camps in Perm Oblast and five years' exile in the Buriat ASSR, in Siberia. Since his release he has lived in Kiev)
Sversti︠u︡k, I︠E︡vhen. Ne myr, a mech, 2009: title page (I︠E︡vhen Sversti︠u︡k = Євген Сверстюк ) added English title page (Jevhen Sverstiuk)
Vikipedii︠a︡, June 14, 2016: (Євген Олександрович Сверстюк = I︠E︡vhen Oleksandrovych Sversti︠u︡k; 13 грудня 1928, Сільце, Волинське воєводство, Республіка Польща--1 грудня 2014, Київ, Україна; український письменник, мислитель, філософ)
Associated languageukr