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United States. Department of State

LC control no.n 80126198
Descriptive conventionsrda
Corporate name headingUnited States. Department of State
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Variant(s)Gosdepartament SShA
United States. Departamento de Estado
United States. Department of State. Office of the Secretary
United States. Gosdepartament
United States. Gosudarstvennyĭ Departament
United States. Kokumushō
United States. Külügyminisztérium
United States. Kuo wu yüan
United States. Office of the Secretary of State
United States. Secretary of State
United States. State, Department of
United States. Dept. of State
United States. Vizārat-i Umūr-i Khārijah
美国. 国务院
DOS (United States. Department of State)
United States. State Department
United States. Krasūang Kāntāngprathēt Saharat ʻAmērikā
See alsoPredecessor: United States. Department of Foreign Affairs
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Special noteMachine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.
Unused subdivisions: USE (International Information and Educational Exchange Program); Office of Personnel; Historical Division; Editorial Services Division; Division of Employment; Steering Committee of Reorganization Task Force #2; Reorganization Task Force #2; Division of Acquisition and Distribution; Division of Current Information; Office of Special Assistant for Press Relations; Bureau of Administration; Office of Foreign Buildings; Office of Operations; Division of Publishing Services; Employment Division
Found inU.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Nominations--Department of State. Hearings ... 1944.
NUCMC data from Univ. of Miss. Libr. for Brickell, H. Papers, 1911-1957 (United States Dept. of State)
LC man. auth. cd. (hdg.: United States. Dept. of State; act of Congress approved July 27, 1789, est. a Dept. of Foreign Affairs ... another, approved Sept. 15, 1789 ... directed that it be called the Dept. of State)
United States relations with China. Japanese. Selections. Amerika Kokumushō Chūgoku hakusho, 1949: t.p.
Its Office of the Program Inspector General. El crimen de la reforma ... 1984: t.p. (Departamento de Estado de EE UU)
Patterns of global terrorism, 1990, 1991: cover (United States Department of State) p. 2 of cover (Office of the Secretary of State)
Amerikai béketervek a háború utáni Magyarországról, 1992: t.p. (Az Egyesült Államok Külügyminisztériumának)
Congressional budget justification for foreign operations, fiscal year 2001, surrogate: t.p. (Office of the Secretary of State) p. 4 of cover (Office of the Secretary; United States Department of State, Washington, DC)
Google, 05-28-02 (Gosdepartamentom SShA)
Sovetsko-amerikanskie otnoshenii︠a︡, 2007: t.p. (Gosudarstvennyĭ Departament SSha)
Kūrs-i zabān-i Darī-i ibtidāʼī, 1971: t.p. (Vizārat-i Umūr-i Khārijah) added t.p. (Department of State)
Wikipedia, 27 July 2020 (United States Department of State (DOS); commonly referred to as State Department)
Sathān ʻĒkʻakkhrarātchathūt Saharat ʻAmērikā Krung Thēp Mahā Nakhō̜n Prathēt Thai, 2021: cover page 4 (U.S. Department of State; Krasūang Kāntāngprathēt Saharat ʻAmērikā)
Invalid LCCNsh 85140831