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Zobel, Joseph

LC control no.n 80136403
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPQ3949.Z6
Personal name headingZobel, Joseph
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Variant(s)Zobel, Zhozef
Associated countryFrance
Birth date1915
Death date2006-06-17
Place of birthPetit-Bourg (Guadeloupe)
Place of deathAlès (France)
Field of activityAuthorship Sculpture
AffiliationRadio Senegal (Dakar, Senegal)
Sengalese Cultural Services (Organization)
Profession or occupationNovelists Critics Sculptors Authors
Found inHis La fête à Paris, 1953.
Info. converted from 678, 2012-10-02 (b. 1915)
Africana: The Encyclopedia of the African and African American Experience, Second Edition, accessed April 22, 2015, via Oxford African American Studies Center database: (Zobel, Joseph; fiction writer, cultural critic; born 1915 in Petit-Bourg, Martinique; studied literature, drama, and ethnology in France (1946); published his first novel, Diab'la and collection of stories Laghia de la mort (1946); won Prix des Lecteurs; served as cultural adviser to Radio Senegal in Dakar, Senegal (1957); helped establish and run the Sengalese Cultural Services (1962); was also a sculptor and master of Japanese floral design, was awarded the Grand Prix du Livre Insulaire (2002); died 17 June 2006 in Alès, France)
Rasne činjenice, 2005: p. 40 (Zhozef Zobel; 1915-2006)
Associated languagefre