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Augstein, Rudolf, 1923-2002

LC control no.n 80138941
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingAugstein, Rudolf, 1923-2002
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Variant(s)Daniel, Jens, 1923-2002
Birth date19231105
Death date20021107
Place of birthHannover (Germany)
Profession or occupationPublishers and publishing
Found inHis Konrad Adenauer, 1964.
New York times, Nov. 8, 2002: obituaries (Rudolf Augstein; founder and publisher, Der Spiegel; b. Nov. 5, 1923 in Hanover, Germany; d. Nov. 7, 2002 in London)
Augstein, Rudolf. Schreiben, was ist, c2003: t.p. (Rudolf Augstein) jkt. (b. 1923, d. 2002)
Invalid LCCNn 2003044629