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Formula Concordiae

LC control no.n 80146712
Descriptive conventionsrda
Uniform title headingFormula Concordiae
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Formula of concord
Lutheran Church. Formula of concord
Form of workCreeds
Beginning date1577
Found inEbel, J. C. Wort und Geist bei den Verfassern der Konkordienformel, 1981: t.p. (Konkordienformel) p. 13 (Formula Concordiae)
Brockhaus Enzyk., 1970 (Konkordienformel [lat. formula concordiae "Eintrachtsformel"], das letzte allgemein anerkannte symbol. Buch der luther. Kirche von 1577; die Konkordienformel wurde am 25.6.1580 mit anderen Bekenntnisschriften zum Konkordienbuch vereint)
Schaff, P. Creeds of Christendom, 1919: p. 93 (Formula Concordiae (Concordien-Formel), Formula of Concord, A.D. 1576 (1584); originally written in German, but a Latin translation became the authorized text)
Historical dictionary of Lutheranism, 2011 (Formula of Concord (FC) (1577): a confessional text that settled inner-Lutheran controversies in the 16th century; several theological statements from the 1570s were formulated in the Torgau Book of 1576; a summary of this book, the Epitome, became the first part of the Formula of Concord, and a revised version of the Torgau Book, the Bergen Book of 1577, became the second part, the Solid Declaration, of the FC)