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Collins, Margaret S

LC control no.n 80147089
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingCollins, Margaret S.
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Variant(s)Collins, Margaret James Strickland
Strickland, Margaret James, 1922-
Birth date1922
Death date1996
Field of activityTermites
AffiliationHoward University National Museum of Natural History (U.S.). Department of Entomology
Profession or occupationEntomologists College teachers
Found inScience and the question of human equality, 1981 (a.e.) t.p. (Margaret S. Collins) contrib. list (prof. of zoology, Howard U., Washington; specialist in insect ecology)
Wikipedia website for "Margaret S. Collins," accessed September 21, 2018: (Margaret S. Collins; Margaret James Strickland Collins; 1922-1996; studied termites; research associate in the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History, Department of Entomology; co-edited Science and the question of human equality)
OCLC, searched October 2, 2018: (access point: Strickland, Margaret James, 1922-)