LC control no. | n 80152335 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Geographic heading | Banda Aceh (Indonesia) |
Geographic subdivision usage | Indonesia--Banda Aceh |
Variant(s) | Banda Atjeh (Indonesia) City of Banda Aceh (Indonesia) Kota Banda Aceh (Indonesia) |
See also | Kutaradja (Indonesia) |
Associated country | Indonesia |
Special note | Old catalog heading: Banda Aceh, Indonesia Includes the old catalog heading: Banda Atjeh, Indonesia |
Found in | GeoNames, algorithmically matched, 2009 (unknown; 05°33ʹ42ʺN 095°19ʹ33ʺE) Information from 678 converted Dec. 11, 2014 (Banda Aceh, ppl, 5°34ʹN., 95°20ʹE.) Wikipedia, September 3, 2019 (Banda Aceh; City of Banda Aceh; Kota Banda Aceh; Banda Aceh, formerly Kutaraja (Koetaradja, 1948-1962) is the capital and largest city in the province of Aceh, Indonesia; located on the island of Sumatra on the northwestern tip of Indonesia at the mouth of the Aceh River; 5°33ʹ0ʺN 95°19ʹ0ʺE) |
Geographic area code | a-io--- |
Invalid LCCN | n 80152333 |