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Höcker, Karl Heinz, 1915-1998

LC control no.n 80156044
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingHöcker, Karl Heinz, 1915-1998
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Variant(s)Höcker, K. H. (Karl Heinz), 1915-1998
Associated countryGermany
Birth date1915-12-27
Death date1998-07-17
Profession or occupationPhysicists
Found inEmendörfer, D. Theorie der Kernreaktoren, c1982- : v. 1, t.p. (Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Höcker, Institut für Kernenergetik und Energiesysteme, Universität Stuttgart) cover p. 1, pref. (K.H. Höcker)
OCLC, Jan. 9, 2020 (usage: K.H. Höcker, K.-H. Höcker, Karl Heinz Höcker)
de.Wikipedia, Jan. 9, 2020: Karl-Heinz Höcker (b. 27 December 1915 in Bremen; d. 17 July 1998; was a German physicist)