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Werblan, Andrzej

LC control no.n 80156061
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWerblan, Andrzej
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Associated countryPoland
Birth date1924-10-30
Place of birthTernopilʹ (Ukraine)
AffiliationPolska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza
Profession or occupationHistorians Political scientists Politicians
Found inHis O socjalistyczny kierunek działalności kulturalnej, 1958.
Biblioteka Narodowa database, Aug. 30, 2010: (hdg.: Werblan, Andrzej (1924- ))
Wikipedia, viewed October 10, 2024: Polish Andrzej Werblan page (Andrzej Werblan; born 30 October 1924 in Tarnopol; Polish historian, political scientist, politician, socialist and communist activist, professor of political sciences; member of the PZPR)
Associated languagepol