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Foss, Lukas, 1922-2009

LC control no.n 80158653
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingFoss, Lukas, 1922-2009
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Variant(s)Fuchs, Lukas, 1922-2009
Foss, Lucas, 1922-2009
See alsoFounded corporate body of person: Foss Festival Players
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Birth date1922-08-15
Death date2009-02-01
Place of birthBerlin (Germany)
Place of deathManhattan (New York, N.Y.)
Field of activityComposition (Music) Conducting Piano--Performance
Profession or occupationComposers Conductors (Music) Pianists
Found inAuthor's Compositions for the piano, 1938.
Int ww in music, 8th (Foss, Lukas; b. Aug. 15, 1922, Berlin; composer, conductor, pianist)
His Solo observed, 1982 : cover (Solo Lucas Foss)
New Grove, 2nd ed. website, May 29, 2003 (Foss (Fuchs), Lukas; b. Aug. 15, 1922, Berlin; American composer, conductor and pianist)
The New York times, Feb. 2, 2009 (Lukas Foss, 86, composer, pianist, and conductor; b. Lukas Fuchs, probably Aug. 15, 1922, Berlin; in 1997, when he was honored with several concerts of his music on his 75th birthday, he said that he was not entirely sure when he was born; d. Feb. 1, 2009, Manhattan, N.Y.)