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Álvarez Gardeazábal, Gustavo

LC control no.n 80160276
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPQ8180.1.L9
Personal name headingÁlvarez Gardeazábal, Gustavo
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Variant(s)Gardeazábal, Gustavo Álvarez
LocatedCauca River Valley (Colombia)
Birth date1945
Place of birthTuluá (Colombia)
Profession or occupationNovelist Professor Mayor Governor Radio commentator Columnist
Found inHis Piedra pintada, 1965: title page verso (published by Editorial Gamma in Medellín)
Information from 678 converted Jan. 5, 2015 (b. 1945, Tuluá, Colombia)
El resucitado, 2016: title page (Gustavo Álvarez Gardeazábal) cover back flap (born 1945 in Tuluá; author of various novels including Cóndores no entierran todos los días; many of his works have inspired movies and soap operas; former professor; former mayor; former governor; former radio commentator; currently a columnist with the newspaper ADN; resident in the Cauca River Region)
Associated languagespa