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Bellocchio, Marco, 1939-

LC control no.n 81007117
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBellocchio, Marco, 1939-
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See alsoFounded corporate body of person: Kavac Film (Firm)
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Birth date1939-11-09
Profession or occupationMotion picture directors Actors
Found inHis I pugni in tasca, 1967.
Marco Bellocchio, 2010: introd. (Italian film director)
Wikipedia, July 15, 2010: (Marco Bellocchio; born 9 November 1939; Italian film director, screenwriter and actor)
Kavac Film WWW site, February 3, 2021 (Kavac Film; film production company; founded 1997 in Rome by Marco Bellocchio and Francesca Calvelli)
Associated languageita