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Heidenstam, Verner von, 1859-1940

LC control no.n 81017758
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPT9757
Personal name headingHeidenstam, Verner von, 1859-1940
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Von Heidenstam, Verner, 1859-1940
Heidenstam, Karl Gustaf Verner von, 1859-1940
Heidenstam, Werner von, 1859-1940
Heidenstam, V. von (Verner von), 1859-1940
Associated countrySweden
Birth date1859-07-06
Death date1940-05-20
Profession or occupationNovelists Poets
Found inHis Endymion, 1894.
His Endymion, 1892: t.p. (Werner von Heidenstam)
Wikipedia, English version, June 27, 2012: article, Verner von Heidenstam (Carl Gustaf Verner von Heidenstam; b. July 6, 1859, Olshammar, Sweden; d. May 20, 1940, Övralid, Sweden; poet and novelist; Nobel Prize laureate for literature, 1916; member of the Swedish Academy since 1912; propounded a view of literature opposed to naturalism of August Strindberg)
Du gamla, du fria [SR] 196-?: label (V. von Heidenstam) container (Verner von Heidenstam)
Nobel Foundation, WWW, viewed on May 23, 2019: The Nobel Prize in Literature 1916 (The Nobel Prize in Literature 1916 was awarded to Carl Gustaf Verner von Heidenstam "in recognition of his significance as the leading representative of a new era in our literature." Residence at the time of the award: Sweden; Language: Swedish)
Associated languageswe