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Novi Pazar (Serbia)

LC control no.n 81038846
Descriptive conventionsrda
Geographic headingNovi Pazar (Serbia)
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Geographic subdivision usageSerbia--Novi Pazar
Variant(s)Нови Пазар (Serbia)
Novi Pazar, Serbia
Novibazar (Serbia)
Pazari i Ri (Serbia)
Yeni Pazar (Serbia)
Associated countrySerbia
Special noteNon-Latin script reference not evaluated.
Found inStalio, B. Naprelje, 1956.
BGN (phone call 4/7/81) (Novi Pazar, ppl 43°08ʹN 20°31ʹE 37260)
Geonet, Apri. 14, 2005 (Novi Pazar; ppl 43°08ʹ12ʺN 020°31ʹ44ʺE; variants: Pazari i Ri; Yeni Pazar; Country: Serbia and Montenegro; ADMI name: Srbija (Serbia))
GeoNames, algorithmically matched, 2009 (ppl; 43°08ʹ12ʺN 020°30ʹ44ʺE)
Prstenje iz zbirki ... 2015: title page (Нови Пазар = Novi Pazar)
Geographic area codee-rb---