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Werner, Frank, 1944-

LC control no.n 81040848
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWerner, Frank, 1944-
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Variant(s)Werner, Frank R., 1944-
Birth date1944
Found inAlte Stadt mit neuem Leben, 1976 t.p. (Frank Werner)
Kürsch. Gel.-Kal., 1992 (Werner, Frank R.; Prof.; Kunstakademie; Univ. Stuttgart)
Hans Dieter Schall, in-between, c1999: dust jkt. (Frank R. Werner; director of the Institut für Architekturgeschichte und Architekturtheorie at the Bergische Universität in Wuppertal; studied painting, architecture and architectural history at the Kunstakademie in Mainz, the Technische Hochschule in Hannover, and Stuttgart Univ.)
Covering + exposing, 2000: p. 207 (Frank Werner; b. 1944 in Worms am Rhein; until 1933 held chair of architecture and design history at the Academy of Arts in Stuttgart; since 1994, univ. prof. at Univ. of Wuppertal where he directs the Institute for Architectural History and Theory and is currently dean of its Faculty of Architecture)
Szyszkowitz + Kowalski : Räume und Freiräume, c1999: t.p. (Autor, Frank R. Werner)
Information from 678 converted Dec. 8, 2014 (Wiss. Asst. am Inst. f. Baugeschichte d. Univ. Stuttgart; b. 1944)
Invalid LCCNnr 00022093 n 2003067814