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Wolfman, Marv

LC control no.n 81059404
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPS3573.O56136
Personal name headingWolfman, Marv
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Variant(s)Wolman, Marv
Birth date1946-05-13
Place of birthBrooklyn (New York, N.Y.)
Field of activityComic books, strips, etc.
Found inKraft, D. A. The fantastic four, 1981 (a.e.) CIP galley t.p. (Marv Wolfman)
The new Teen Titans, 2003: t.p. (Marv Wolman [sic]) cover (Marv Wolfman)
Wikipedia, Apr. 20, 2017 (Marv Wolfman; Marvin Arthur "Marv" Wolfman; b. May 13, 1946 in Brooklyn; American comic book writer; best known for DC Comics' New Teen Titans and Crisis on Infinite Earths, and for Marvel Comics' The Tomb of Dracula)