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Maḥmūd, Muṣṭafá

LC control no.n 81060131
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMaḥmūd, Muṣṭafá
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Variant(s)Mahmoud, Mostafa
Mahmoud, Moustafa
Maḥmūd, Muṣṭafá, 1921-2009
محصطفى محمود
محمود، مصطف
محمود، مصطفي
مصطفى محمود
Associated countryEgypt
Birth date1921-12-25
Death date2009-10-31
Place of birthShibīn al-Kawm (Egypt)
Field of activityReligion Philosophy Fiction Sociology Political science Charities
Profession or occupationPhysicians Authors Journalists
Special noteMachine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script references not evaluated.
Found inHis Lughz al-mawt. 5 Jan., '62.
Marxism and Islam, 1984?: t.p. (Mostafa Mahmoud)
Muṣṭafá Maḥmūd, 2008: CIP (b. 1925)
World Biographical Information System viewed via WWW February 11, 2011 (year of birth 1921)
Wikipedia, viewed October 9, 2018 (25 December 1921-31 October 2009; Muṣṭafá Kāmil Maḥmūd Ḥusayn = مصطفى كامل محمود حسين; Mustafa Kamal Mahmoud Husain [in rom.] ; Egyptian doctor, philosopher, and author; born in Shibin el-Kom, Munufiyya province, Egypt; He was trained as a doctor, but later chose a career as a journalist and author, traveling and writing on He was trained as a doctor, but later chose a career as a journalist and author, traveling and writing on science, philosophy, religion, politics, and society as well as plays, tales, and travelogues; He is also known for his popular TV program "al-ʻilm wa-al-Īmān"; founder of a mosque, medical clinic as well as a charitable association, all named after him)
Associated languageara